Please Don’t Bite Me

Hyde and I have a love-hate relationship. I love him; he hates me. I guess it is actually pretty simple.
I'm pleased, however, to report that we are making some really positive progress. Hyde scratched his cornea while trying to get his muzzle off (obviously, this isn't the positive progress…). He also has some special dog conformation challenges as a Boston Terrier. "Brachycephalic" is the term, and it basically means smooshed face, large eyeballs, poor tear quality, and production. A corneal scratch plus a Boston Terrier equals frequent veterinary visits. Since his injury, Hyde and I have had weekly dates.
At his last visit, we finally arrived with a healed cornea, AND the second breakthrough was that he allowed me to examine him in the exam room with only grumbles and not a bite! I think we'll be friends in no time!